Justification for encoding website in HTML
rather than using a CMS

Using content management systems (CMS) in the long term can present several challenges, particularly when popular CMS platforms change over time. The evolving nature of CMS software and the complexities involved in migrating websites to new CMS versions or platforms can cause significant difficulties. Here are some problems associated with using CMS in the long term:

  1. Compatibility issues: As CMS platforms evolve, they often introduce new features, frameworks, and technologies. Older websites built on previous versions of the CMS may face compatibility issues with the latest updates. This can lead to broken functionality, deprecated plugins, or unsupported themes, requiring extensive redevelopment or customization to keep the website running smoothly.
  2. Deprecated support: CMS providers frequently release new versions and eventually phase out support for older versions. This can leave websites vulnerable to security risks, as outdated CMS versions may not receive patches or updates to address emerging threats. Without ongoing support, it becomes increasingly challenging to maintain a secure and stable website.
  3. Customizations and extensions: Over time, websites built on CMS platforms tend to accumulate customizations, themes, plugins, and extensions tailored to specific needs. When transitioning to a new CMS version or switching to a different platform, these customizations may no longer be compatible or require significant modifications. Migrating custom functionality can be time-consuming and costly, as it often involves rewriting or reconfiguring code.
  4. Data migration: Moving a website from one CMS to another can be a complex task, especially when it comes to migrating content and data. CMS platforms use different database structures, content models, and markup languages, making the migration process non-trivial. Converting and transferring data accurately, while preserving metadata and relationships, requires careful planning and execution.
  5. Learning curve and training: Each CMS has its own interface, workflows, and administration tools. When transitioning to a new CMS, content editors, administrators, and developers may need to familiarize themselves with the new system. This can involve significant training efforts, impacting productivity and efficiency in the short term.
  6. Cost implications: Migrating to a new CMS can be a costly endeavor. It involves expenses related to website development, customization, data migration, training, and potential downtime during the transition. Organizations may need to allocate resources and budget accordingly, considering the potential financial implications of switching to a different CMS.

To mitigate these problems, it is crucial to periodically evaluate the long-term viability and sustainability of the chosen CMS. Staying up to date with the latest versions, security patches, and industry trends can help anticipate challenges and plan for necessary transitions. Additionally, maintaining clean code, adhering to CMS best practices, and avoiding excessive customizations can make future migrations easier.

Encoding websites in HTML offers several advantages for long-term stability:

  1. Standardization: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is an open standard maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). It provides a common language for structuring and presenting web content. By adhering to HTML standards, websites ensure compatibility across different browsers, devices, and future versions of web technologies.
  2. Forward compatibility: HTML is designed to be forward compatible, meaning that newer web technologies and features can be gracefully ignored by older web browsers. This allows websites encoded in HTML to remain accessible and functional even as the web evolves and new technologies emerge.
  3. Semantic structure: HTML provides semantic markup elements that describe the structure and meaning of web content. By using proper HTML tags (e.g., headings, paragraphs, lists), websites can convey information in a structured and accessible manner. Semantic HTML improves the website's usability, search engine optimization (SEO), and enables assistive technologies to better interpret and navigate the content.
  4. Accessibility: HTML supports accessibility features and guidelines, such as ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications), which enable websites to be inclusive and accessible to users with disabilities. By encoding websites in HTML and incorporating accessibility best practices, organizations ensure their long-term compliance with accessibility standards and regulations.
  5. Separation of content and presentation: HTML separates the content of a website from its visual presentation. This separation allows for greater flexibility and adaptability over time. By maintaining a clean and well-structured HTML codebase, it becomes easier to update and modify the website's visual design without affecting the underlying content.
  6. Long-term compatibility: HTML has been around since the early days of the web and has proven to be highly compatible with a wide range of browsers and devices. Websites encoded in HTML are more likely to remain functional and accessible over the long term, ensuring that users can access the content regardless of the technological changes that may occur.

Overall, encoding websites in HTML provides a solid foundation for long-term stability, compatibility, accessibility, and future-proofing. It promotes interoperability, allows for easier maintenance and updates, and ensures that the website remains accessible and usable for a diverse audience over time.

Above was generated using ChatGPT on 2023 July 13th.